Saturday, December 31, 2011

sad is not all bad

We have had the most wonderful Christmas.  All of our children were home and being together is what we love most.  Our quiet house was filled with our five children, our grandson in Emily's womb, and various friends who stopped by to visit them and us during their visit.  There was lots of food, sharing of hearts, game playing and movie watching.  We had a spectacular time for a week straight.  Then yesterday..... Annie was the first to leave.  Her boyfriend Nick arrived to join in the festivities on the 27th and the two of them headed back to Austin yesterday.  Our other four children are still with us and I am grateful that they will leave incrementally. 

But, nonetheless, Annie's departure has left me feeling a bit blue.  Last night I was telling my friend Linda I was sad and she said, "It's OK to be sad."  It helped me to be reminded that saddness is a normal part of our lives.  I tend to avoid and dread it when in actuality it will come and go and riding that wave is necessary.  When you love deeply, you feel deeply.  I so miss having Annie nearby.  I love cooking with her which is something we both love to do and especially together.  I love getting to see what she will wear each day since she has such a wonderful, unique sense of style.  I loved seeing her get to spend time with her siblings, who she had not seen since April.  I love the look on her face when her dad embraces her.  A look of security that knows his embrace is the safest place in the world.

How did it happen so fast?  All our children were living under the same roof with us for so many years and now they have all scattered and moved on to building their own lives.  It is gratifying to see their journeys unfold and where their adventures take them but to be honest, I really miss the season of life that has passed. 

So now I am left to cherish the memories of a Christmas that was so wonderful with them all home to eat my cooking, have me do their laundry and sleep in their beds once again. 

My sadness will become a badge I wear that carries the deep deep love I have for my children.  I will embrace it and know that it would not be there if I did not have this special place in my heart for each of them.  Annie is gone from our house, but has wedged an even deeper place in my heart.

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