Tuesday, March 27, 2012

my ugly bathrobe i once lived in

I had just changed Turner’s poopy diaper and was headed back into the kitchen to wrap it in a plastic bag before disposing of it properly.  As I entered the kitchen one of my precious children had spilled a drink and the moisture was rolling toward things that I did not want to get wet.  I quickly put Turner down, set his poopy diaper on the counter and headed toward the spill.  I caught it just in time to keep it from doing more damage than it already had.  At that moment the doorbell rang.  Who could that be this early in the morning I thought.  I looked at the clock.  It was 11:00 am.  11:00 am, how can that be? I was still in my very, extremely ugly and unflattering robe.  I actually still have that robe and my 84 year old mother wears it when she comes to visit us in the cold winters of Nebraska. 
i told you it was ugly!!

I contemplated just not answering the door.  If I quieted the children, maybe whoever was at the door would not realize we were home.  Ever try to quiet a baby and an almost 2, 4 and 6 year old?  I knew I was going to have to answer the door.  With that realization, another realization immediately followed.  I remembered that we had scheduled a market analysis of our home for that morning.  I had completely forgotten.  I was horrified!!!  I would not be able to answer the door and use my body to shield the messy contents and keep my visitors on the porch.  No such luck, they were coming in.  Not only coming in, but going into every disheveled room to measure it. 
I picked up Turner and headed to the door.  Not only was I wearing the hideous bathrobe, but my hair was sticking up in every direction AND I was wearing the ugliest bathrobe in the city of Omaha.  Oh, and I had not yet brushed my teeth!!!  I opened the door and there stood two sharply dressed female realtors looking so together and "with it".  They not only looked good, but smelled good too.  I felt like a complete loser.  If the ground would have opened at that moment and swallowed me up that would have been fine with me.

 I have never forgotten that day so many years ago.  What I now realize is that I was doing the most important job in the universe.  I was spending my days nurturing our four precious children.  There is nothing I would rather invest my time in and if I had to wear an ugly bathrobe all morning and not get my teeth brushed before noon, that was a price I was willing to pay.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

What is hiding in your kitchen?

We all have those items in the back of our kitchen cabinets that we rarely use.  That would be my electric knife that I pull out each Thanksgiving to carve our bird.  This year I could not find it anywhere and so I carved that darn bird WITHOUT my electric knife.  A few weeks later I stumbled upon that sucker deep in the recesses of my pantry. 

How about those things in your kitchen cabinets that you have NEVER used? I have had, in my baking cabinet, a pampered chef "accent decorator". I'll bet I have owned it for over five years. So last week I had some gals over for a cooking lesson and my friend Ann suggested we use it for the cupcakes we made. It was so fun to use and make me feel like a real pro.

So...today I made cupcakes for a bridal shower tomorrow.  They look so much better than any cupcakes I have ever made. I made funfetti and the icing was pink, as you can see!!

Don't you just want to bite into this beauty???

Now I am sure you have seen better or even made better yourself but for me this is major progress.  I made two dozen and I will admit, it took me twice as long to ice them and I used twice the icing I usually use.

This would really come in handy in a food fight!!!

I think it was so worth the extra time and icing and I will be using this little gizmo from here on out for all my cupcake baking. 

Monday, March 12, 2012

I love it that we turned the clocks up this week.  I never mind losing an hour of sleep, it is so worth it.  Having it stay light an hour later each night signifies to me that winter is, for the most part, over!!!  Winter is my least favorite season.  In Nebraska it is often very cold, dark for longer each day and all the trees look so bare.  If I didn't know better I would think that they are all dead for good.  The only time the trees do not look so bad in the winter is right after a fresh snowfall.  It is the one part of winter I do enjoy.  How the world almost sparkles when it is covered in fresh snow.


my tree outside our dining room windows

Life too has it seasons.  If you live long enough, you will experience what I call a "winter season". These are times that feel dark and cold.  Everything feels like work and you do not have the energy to do anything you do not have to do.  Life is a journey that can be filled with pain and heartache.  I have definitely lived long enough to have experienced a few of these "winters".  Compared to the heartache of others I know, mine has been a fraction of the pain they have endured.  None the less, it has been difficult. 

If you happen to be in a personal winter, I want to give you a few encouraging thoughts.  First and foremost, you will not always feel like you are feeling today.  There is light at the end of the tunnel, so hang on my friend.  This too shall pass.  Secondly, do not try to evaluate anything when you are in a winter season.  These are times to just take it a day at a time.  Do not make any decisions you do not have to make.  Thirdly, find a way to laugh.  Laughter is medicine.  Laughing releases endorphines and literally lifts your spirits.  If you have a friend who makes you laugh, call them up and say, I need to laugh.  Watch a funny movie.  'What About Bob', with Bill Murray, is one of my favorites.  Find a way to laugh!!!

Last, but certainly not least, find something to be grateful for.  If you have someone in your life who is a blessing, be thankful.  If you have a home, job, car, people who love you.... choose to be grateful.  If you have your health you really have something to be thankful for.  A heart of gratitude is so attractive.  In the midst of your difficult "season", choose to focus on your blessings. 

And... I promise... the storms in your life will pass... and you will find yourself in a new season.  You will be a little wiser and even more grateful that you have weathered the storms of life.  Then, you can be there for a friend when they go through their winter. 

same tree, different season!!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

I have been watching my daughter Emily for the past 2 weeks settle into her role as a new mom.  I am so proud of her.  She is such a natural mother.  Her jobs all through high school and college were nanny jobs and those experiences, plus her maternal instincts, are sure paying off.  It so takes me back 24 years ago when Emily was born and I become a first time mother.  I know it was exhausting but what I most recall is how in love with her I was.  I remember loving what she smelled like and how much I enjoyed taking care of her.  She became my new world in a sense and I think I loved almost every minute of it.  I can remember nursing her in the church "cry room" and really thinking all the other new moms must be thinking how beautiful my daughter was!!  Is that just ridiculous?  I guess it is true, love is blind. 

Four children later I now often say I was born to be a mother.  I naturally "mother" not only my own children, but anyone in my path that will allow me to "mother" them.  I am loving my new unique role with Emily as I now am mothering a mother.  I have been able to spend her first days as a mother with her to help take care of the new momma.  I love helping to change and rock Theo to give her an often much needed break.  Paul is a wonderful father and when he is home he can't get enough of their new son.  But, when he has to go to work, I am so glad I have been here for this transition time in their lives.

her new love

so glad he is sleeping, cause I sure am not!!

love at first sight

Emily tries out her new snuggly

Theo's first car ride

Friday, March 2, 2012

I saw the movie Marley and Me for the first time this week.  I know I am probably the last person to see it since it has been out for quite some time.  Frankly, I have not been that interested in seeing it.  I had heard the ending was sad and Owen Wilson's characters usually really frustrate me.  It seems to me he often portrays a womanizing, spineless man who has little depth.  Now that is really judgemental of me, isn't it?

On top of that, I hate to admit that I am not really a dog or cat lover.  Oh well, I have accepted that about myself. Marley did not move my heart nearly as much as the relationships did. At one point in the movie Emily said, "Mom, if that was your dog, he would have been gone long ago". I am afraid she was right. When our children were little and we added a dog to the mix it just felt like one more thing to take care of.  It was more work for me than the pleasure of the companionship. I have always felt bad to admit I am not really what you call a "dog person". I mean dog lovers are always such kind compassionate people are they not?

My daughter Emily had so many dogs growing up I lost count.  Annie has a cat named Audi and he is such an important part of her life.  So since my daughters love animals does that let me off the hook?

Annie with her cat Audi (this photo is a couple years old)
I have a passion for people, healthy relationships and pets..... well... I can live without! Sorry all you dog and cat lovers, don't be haters!!

Now, back to the movie.  I was so pleasantly surprised how accurately the struggles of marriage were portrayed and I loved how they handled conflict.   It was one of the few movies that realistically demonstrates the life of a typical family with small children.  All of us mothers could so relate when, after losing her cool, Jennifer Aniston said,

" I'm not depressed, I am exhausted.  I'm sorry, I just got overwhelmed.  No one tells you how hard this is going to be.  All of it, marriage, being a parent.  It's the hardest job in the world and no one prepares you for that.  No body tells you how much you have to give up.  I've given up so much of what makes me who I am.  But, I cannot say that.  I am a very bad person if I say that.  But, I feel it sometimes.  I just want you to know that and I needed to say that.  I made a choice and its harder that I thought and I don't regret it.  These things are going to happen and we'll get through it together." 

Another scene I loved was when Owen is telling his friend his marriage woes.  His friend asks who will get the dog if they split up.  Owen replies, "I just had a fight with my wife.  Just let me vent.  You don't end it, you mend it."

So, way to go Marley and Me.  For once I can applaud what Hollywood communicated about married life.  I remember when I was home with four small children.  Ty would often say, "Honey, your job is so much harder than mine.  I could never do what you do all day."  Knowing how much he valued my role meant the world to me.  So... I salute all you mothers out there who have given up so much to be mothers to your children.  You will not regret it.  If I could take you all to Starbucks for a coffee and a chat, I would!!