Monday, March 12, 2012

I love it that we turned the clocks up this week.  I never mind losing an hour of sleep, it is so worth it.  Having it stay light an hour later each night signifies to me that winter is, for the most part, over!!!  Winter is my least favorite season.  In Nebraska it is often very cold, dark for longer each day and all the trees look so bare.  If I didn't know better I would think that they are all dead for good.  The only time the trees do not look so bad in the winter is right after a fresh snowfall.  It is the one part of winter I do enjoy.  How the world almost sparkles when it is covered in fresh snow.


my tree outside our dining room windows

Life too has it seasons.  If you live long enough, you will experience what I call a "winter season". These are times that feel dark and cold.  Everything feels like work and you do not have the energy to do anything you do not have to do.  Life is a journey that can be filled with pain and heartache.  I have definitely lived long enough to have experienced a few of these "winters".  Compared to the heartache of others I know, mine has been a fraction of the pain they have endured.  None the less, it has been difficult. 

If you happen to be in a personal winter, I want to give you a few encouraging thoughts.  First and foremost, you will not always feel like you are feeling today.  There is light at the end of the tunnel, so hang on my friend.  This too shall pass.  Secondly, do not try to evaluate anything when you are in a winter season.  These are times to just take it a day at a time.  Do not make any decisions you do not have to make.  Thirdly, find a way to laugh.  Laughter is medicine.  Laughing releases endorphines and literally lifts your spirits.  If you have a friend who makes you laugh, call them up and say, I need to laugh.  Watch a funny movie.  'What About Bob', with Bill Murray, is one of my favorites.  Find a way to laugh!!!

Last, but certainly not least, find something to be grateful for.  If you have someone in your life who is a blessing, be thankful.  If you have a home, job, car, people who love you.... choose to be grateful.  If you have your health you really have something to be thankful for.  A heart of gratitude is so attractive.  In the midst of your difficult "season", choose to focus on your blessings. 

And... I promise... the storms in your life will pass... and you will find yourself in a new season.  You will be a little wiser and even more grateful that you have weathered the storms of life.  Then, you can be there for a friend when they go through their winter. 

same tree, different season!!


  1. What a great post. I love your advice to not evaluate everything, laugh, and be grateful. So so great! Thank you Terri!
    Deanna Unruh
