Friday, March 2, 2012

I saw the movie Marley and Me for the first time this week.  I know I am probably the last person to see it since it has been out for quite some time.  Frankly, I have not been that interested in seeing it.  I had heard the ending was sad and Owen Wilson's characters usually really frustrate me.  It seems to me he often portrays a womanizing, spineless man who has little depth.  Now that is really judgemental of me, isn't it?

On top of that, I hate to admit that I am not really a dog or cat lover.  Oh well, I have accepted that about myself. Marley did not move my heart nearly as much as the relationships did. At one point in the movie Emily said, "Mom, if that was your dog, he would have been gone long ago". I am afraid she was right. When our children were little and we added a dog to the mix it just felt like one more thing to take care of.  It was more work for me than the pleasure of the companionship. I have always felt bad to admit I am not really what you call a "dog person". I mean dog lovers are always such kind compassionate people are they not?

My daughter Emily had so many dogs growing up I lost count.  Annie has a cat named Audi and he is such an important part of her life.  So since my daughters love animals does that let me off the hook?

Annie with her cat Audi (this photo is a couple years old)
I have a passion for people, healthy relationships and pets..... well... I can live without! Sorry all you dog and cat lovers, don't be haters!!

Now, back to the movie.  I was so pleasantly surprised how accurately the struggles of marriage were portrayed and I loved how they handled conflict.   It was one of the few movies that realistically demonstrates the life of a typical family with small children.  All of us mothers could so relate when, after losing her cool, Jennifer Aniston said,

" I'm not depressed, I am exhausted.  I'm sorry, I just got overwhelmed.  No one tells you how hard this is going to be.  All of it, marriage, being a parent.  It's the hardest job in the world and no one prepares you for that.  No body tells you how much you have to give up.  I've given up so much of what makes me who I am.  But, I cannot say that.  I am a very bad person if I say that.  But, I feel it sometimes.  I just want you to know that and I needed to say that.  I made a choice and its harder that I thought and I don't regret it.  These things are going to happen and we'll get through it together." 

Another scene I loved was when Owen is telling his friend his marriage woes.  His friend asks who will get the dog if they split up.  Owen replies, "I just had a fight with my wife.  Just let me vent.  You don't end it, you mend it."

So, way to go Marley and Me.  For once I can applaud what Hollywood communicated about married life.  I remember when I was home with four small children.  Ty would often say, "Honey, your job is so much harder than mine.  I could never do what you do all day."  Knowing how much he valued my role meant the world to me.  So... I salute all you mothers out there who have given up so much to be mothers to your children.  You will not regret it.  If I could take you all to Starbucks for a coffee and a chat, I would!!


  1. Aww terri I love you and God always seem to put words into your mouth that I need to hear! Thanks for being obedient! Lisa jo

  2. Terri, your review prompted us to watch Marley & Me. We hadn't seen it, either, and primarily because I, too, am no a dog lover. I'm so glad you pointed out the different conversations. It made them all the more poignant when I saw them in the movie. You are a wonderful example of a godly wife and mother. Thank you for this review, and than you for being real.
