Sunday, February 26, 2012

the power of a hug

Have you ever gone to shake a person’s hand that you are meeting and they come at you with a hug?  If that has happened and been an awkward moment for you, let me apologize.  I am THAT HUGGING PERSON!!   I am what you call a hugger.  I have been a hugger for a long time now.  Some of the explanation for this is the family I grew up in.  I am half Italian, half Lebanese and hugging is a family trait for us.  My Lebanese father even takes it one step farther and usually kisses everyone he meets, sometimes on the lips!  It does not even occur to him that he should not do this.  It is funny to watch the recipient’s responses.  So… all that to say, I get it honestly.

my italian mamma and lebanese father

My theory is this, the world needs more hugs.  A hug is an expression of love and there can never be enough of that!   I think an additional motivation for me is my mother’s heart.  I love to mother and nurture others.  When I meet a young person, anyone below let’s say 30, I especially want to hug them in case they did not have a loving, nurturing mother.  I have met so many young adults in the past 10 years who have not had the blessing of a loving mother.  When you have had that, which I did, you are able to pay it forward to your children.  If you did not get it from your mother, I believe that God will put “other mothers” in your life to fill that gap.  So, that is me, the “other mother”, hugging my way through all my introductions. 

This week I am in Redding, CA with my daughter Emily and son in law Paul and my son Turner.  I came for the birth of my first grandchild, Theo.   I have met many new young folks this week from all over the world.  Many have extended their hand to shake mine when we have met.  I have “gone in” right past the extended hands, for a hug.  It is funny to see the various responses.  Some enthusiastically accept my hugs while others simply endure them.  Either way, I am fine with that.  Their response does not deter me in the least.  I know the good that can come from a warm hug from “another mother”. 

These folks all have two things in common.  They held my grandson, and were hugged by me!!!
Just imagine how many times I will hug Theo.  Maybe I will count!!!

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