Saturday, February 18, 2012

Fidelity Fence #3

 more thoughts about fidelity fences for a healthy marriage...

Here are some things that we do not do:

Have lunch with someone of the opposite sex, unless it is your brother, dad, son.... you get the idea
Travel for business with someone of the opposite sex unless... you know the rest
Confide in someone of the opposite sex about our marriage problems, or anything for that matter
Go to class reunions without our spouse... we've all heard the stories
Look up an old flame on facebook...really????

I hate legalism, but this is one area I am willing to be legalistic in!!!

I'd take these guys to lunch any day!!!

or these

1 comment:

  1. You are so wise. If only more couples kept such a high standard. Ken and I have the same rules.... maybe even more. We have to protect our marriages at all cost, even if it seems foolish to the world! Love you
